Saturday, December 31, 2005

hullo 2006

Another year has gone by in a flash.

2005 has been one rollercoaster ride.
Experienced many changes during those 12 months and looking back am pretty amazed I survived some of them.

Highlights include:
- Walking out of Arc: Never been happier doing that
- Bumming around for the next 8 months
- Visiting places like Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Mt Kinabalu, Ho Chi Minh City, Houston and meeting all those fantastic people
- Fleeing Rita: Scary experience
- Getting a new job: New challenges, new people, new workplace dynamics
- Coping with family changes
- Coming to grips with what "I" really stand for

I've never believe in making new year resolutions, but will create one this year.
This list is meant to keep me on track. There are simply so much distractions in life.
I don't want to wake up one day and realise I've lost my way without knowing when or how it happened.

Year 2006
- Spend more time with family. Cherish every moment with them.
- Keep close friends in mind. Make an effort to keep in touch, no matter how busy.
- Spend time with myself. Learn to smell the roses and appreciate the finer things in life.
- Stand by my beliefs. Don't drift along .
- Never settle for 2nd best. Do my best (even if it may not be the world's best). That way, no regrets.
- Continue working out. If possible, take part in a 21 km run by year end.
- Never cease to wonder.
- Expect life to throw curve balls. Catch it or dodge it.

Looking forward to a fantastic year ahead.
As someone once told me, we have only one life. Live it!