Sunday, December 04, 2005

Too late for regrets

Event: 10km
Date: Sunday Dec 4, 2005
Chip Time/ Gun Time: 1h:20m:38s / 1h:26m:48s

Sigh... quite disgusted with myself. But I guessed I deserve it for not training harder :(
Was aiming for sub-75 or if on a better day sub-60.

Guess I'll have to try again next time. The problem is I'm always so lazy when it comes to training. But almost always, after the event I regret.

But while I didn't like the timing, I enjoyed the run tremendously. 9,000 pairs of feet pounding the pavement.

The results are posted online at RunPix which generates these amazing stats to show our placing in the entire field/ gender/ division.

1268th place with 1257 finishers behind. About 50% of finishers ahead.
[image source: runpix]

I love participating in events like these. They never fail to inspire me.

The atmosphere!
White carnival tents standing tall in the green field. The padang dotted with decorative bits and balloons. Chatters, laughters, children screaming with joy.
Athletes huddled in little groups warming up.
At that instant, I wished I had my camera with me. Or rather that I could somehow freeze that moment and keep with me forever.

The sky was very blue, dotted with the occasional cloud and little bundles of blue/ green balloons. Already looking out for next year's. This time round, will be aiming for the 21 klick.

And I've got to train for it. I've just got to...