Thursday, September 08, 2005

The hills are alive!

From time to time, I'd have what I call special moments.

My special moment happened during my Ananda yoga lesson today :)
As usual, I was the stiffest student in class. Ha!

The class was extremely enjoyable as it combines meditation with the movement of yoga postures. What's also interesting was that with each pose, the instructor would list out its benefits to our digestive system, spleen, lymphatic system, etc. It was most educational.

I enjoyed this session tremendously, especially the meditation bits. That's when my special moment occured.

There was this window in the classroom that I could stare out of every time I open my eyes at the end of a meditation cycle.

Outside, a breeze is blowing. The trees sway rhythmically to the tempo of the wind.

I feel calm yet very alive.
I felt excited and hopeful all at once.
I felt as Maria did when she ran up the Alpine(?) slopes singing "The HILLS are alive....." in The Sound of Music.

Had I not been seated, I'd probably be jumping up and down with the adrenaline rush. Is this what meditation's supposed to make one feel?

When I close my eyes now, I could still see that scene perfectly before my eyes and feel exactly the same as I did this afternoon. Interesting...

Friday, September 02, 2005

Addicted to onions

It's officially over, my sundried tomato phase. These days, I'm into something more pungent - onions.

Stumbled upon this delicacy accidentally. A few days ago, I was practically starving at home (not having done any grocery shopping), when I spotted a left-over bag of onions. I cut them all up and tossed them into the oven. 30 minutes later, I had the most fantastic onion meal EVER.

Having consumed so much, I went online to look for the nutritional value of onion and learnt that
- Onions are low in calories with only 30 calories per serving
- They are are sodium, fat, and cholesterol free
- They provide dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and other key nutrients.
- Containing generous amounts of a flavonoid called quercetin that protects against cataracts, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. FANTASTIC!
- Also onions contain a variety of other naturally occurring chemicals known as organosulfur compounds that have been linked to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

More on onion nutrition and onion trivia here

Have never liked onions much maybe because I'm always exposed to the raw pungent kind. Cooked onions are however completely different. Sweet and soft, with a slightly burnt taste (if you roast it) and it doesn't leave you with an onion breath. How fantastic is that?! Speaking of onion breath, parsley removes it or so an onion trivia goes.

The downside to making this dish is onions make me cry. Not just cry, but bawl. I've resorted to wearing my swimming goggles when cutting them up. Haha...

Well, the sundried tomato phase lasted all 2 months and 11 days. It was good while it lasts. I've half a pack left in the fridge. I wonder how long will the onion phase last.

PS: Got the image above from gettyimages. Simply amazing!